Friday, January 2, 2009

Have you seen your husband?

Yesterday when I was greeted by my Wii Fit, it asked me if I had seen my husband. My husband's work schedule was crazy this week and he hadn't used the Wii Fit for several days. It also asked me how he was looking.

Does he look: slimmer? heavier? the same?

Not only does it check in on me if I miss a day (I've only missed one), but it checks on the other "Miis" too!


  1. That's so funny! When I had a friend over and we created a Mii for her, it asked her about my posture - did it look improved, worse, or the same? LOL

    Found you in Wii Fit Mommies "Friends". Are you going to participate in the Fitness Friday posts there? There's a Mister Linky up now! Mine is up and I'm following you now!

  2. I have just started a weight loss journey and my wii is going to become my tool for eliminating idle time. I will definitely be returning to watch the fun on your blog!!!
    Be good :)
