Friday, January 9, 2009

Fitness Friday

I am thrilled about my Wii Fit. I've only had it about three weeks and already I've lost over five pounds and feel MORE FIT! I think that is pretty amazing since one of those weeks included Christmas and a little bit of indulgence. I'm one of those people that weighs in every day. I know some people say that's not healthy but it works for me. It helps me make better choices throughout my day knowing I have to "face" my Wii Fit the next morning.

Monday, January 5, 2009

She Wiis: Week 2

Another good week. I guess I'm consistent so far. I lost the same amount of weight as last week: 2.4!

Weight: 221.8 (-2.4)
BMI: 37.86 (.42)

They are announcing some contests starting today at Wii Fit Mommies. I can't wait to see what they are!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Twitter Party Virgin - No More!

I attended my first Twitter Party. I am officially geeky. ;)

I went to the Twitter Party for the launch of Wii Fit Mommies. I had entered for a few of the giveaways and was hoping to win something, but no such luck!

There were lots of people at the party and the conversation was moving really fast. It was hard to follow along and keep up. It was fun though and a bunch of people "followed" me and I am "following" them back so I have some Wii Fit Mommies to keep up with now.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Have you seen your husband?

Yesterday when I was greeted by my Wii Fit, it asked me if I had seen my husband. My husband's work schedule was crazy this week and he hadn't used the Wii Fit for several days. It also asked me how he was looking.

Does he look: slimmer? heavier? the same?

Not only does it check in on me if I miss a day (I've only missed one), but it checks on the other "Miis" too!

Another Contest: Wii Accessories

Another contest! I'm hoping to win the $20 Amazon Gift Card so that I can get a silicone sleeve cover for our balance board. See how you can enter the contest here!

Contest: Wii Fit Workout Kit

To celebrate the site launch, Wii Fit Mommies are having a bunch of Wii Fit giveaways. I entered to win the Wii Fit Workout Kit (I hope I win!). You can too, by visiting Cynthia to read about how you can enter.

Wii Fit Mommies Twitter Party

To celebrate the launch of Wii Fit Mommies, they are having a Twitter party tomorrow night! This should be fun and interesting - I've never been to a Twitter party before!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rhythm Boxing

I had unlocked Rhythm Boxing (it's in the Aerobics section) a few days ago but had been too lazy to dig out the nunchuck until today. It took a few minutes to get used to. I didn't realize right away that I was supposed to step off the board as I punch, but once I got that figured out, it was smooth sailing. I enjoyed it and already unlocked the next one which I think was six minutes long. I do find the pace to be slow, I don't know if the next ones that I unlock will be any faster. With this and the other aerobic exercise, I find that you can definitely vary your effort level to get more of a workout. With the step, sometimes I will take bigger steps away from the board and that gives me more of a workout.