Monday, December 29, 2008

She Wiis: Week 1

I was very excited to do my body test today. I was very pleased with the results especially since this past week included Christmas and some extra indulgences!

Weight: 224.2 (-2.4)
BMI: 38.28 (-.41)

Doing the Wii Fit daily makes me think about it often. For each choice I make, I think how that might affect my body test. Most of the time it helps me from eating or snacking too much.

I know it's only been one week, but I love our new Wii Fit!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hula Hoop Queen

Apparently my husband spent much of his Wii Fit time last night trying to beat my hula hoop record. I think it's the only activity that he wasn't able to set a new record on. I will protect my hula hoop record fiercely!

I logged 32 minutes of Wii Fit time yesterday and 34 minutes today. This morning I was able to unlock Free Step, which means I can start it and then change the channel to watch TV or whatever. I was thinking that since it doesn't track your steps (like Basic and Advanced Step) that if I had an actual Step Aerobics step to use, I could use it for Free Step and it would make it more of a challenge, since the balance board is only a few inches tall and not much of a step!

This evening I also unlocked Rhythm Boxing which I bet will be a good little workout but I didn't set up the nunchuck yet to try it out.

I am doing my body test daily but since those can fluctuate quite a bit day to day, I will post my stats weekly here on the blog. It looks to be a pretty decent week, especially considering my big holiday meal and some Christmas cookies and candies.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Friday Night Wii

Do you want to know what my husband and I did for our hot Friday night date? Wiiiiiiii! I'm still not feeling 100% but much better and able to do some Wii Fit. Last night I did some hula hooping. It took me a while to figure out how to catch the hoops that were being thrown to me. I kept getting bonked in the head. I *think* I have figured it out though. I also did a few yoga poses (deep breathing, half moon, and warrior pose) and basic step. I really wanted to unlock the next step levels but wasn't able to.

I woke up bright and early this morning to do my body test and a few exercises and was able to unlock the Advanced Step which I enjoyed doing. I can't wait to do more!

Friday, December 26, 2008


Wii Fit has found a weakness in me I didn't really realize. I have a terrible sense of balance. Every time I weigh in the game gives me a chance to take a balance test, and everytime I do lousy on it. The funny part is it just goes right ahead and tells me I suck. OK. It doesn't say,"You suck!" it is more subtle. I believe it says something like," Balance is not your forte, do you have trouble walking?" Maybe not exactly like that, but that is how I am hearing it. Maybe tomorrow I'll get a closer translation.
Christmas was a lot about balance for me also. Unfortunately, it was more about how much can I balance on my plate. It seems I was able to do well with balance at dinner time, and got most of the food into my stomach. My Wii Fit told me I had gained some weight, and wanted to know why. Such a nosey game. I told it I ate too much, and it gave me some tips on how to fill my stomach with foods less fattening and more healthy. That is accurate. After any weight gain the Wii asks you why you think you gained weight. Talk about being accountable to it. If you want your stamp saying you weighed in you have to think about what you did wrong, and listen to ways to fix your fat behind. Darn my need to have that daily stamp!
I did make a good decision and decide to do a little Wii workout tonight. I did 20 minutes of a combination of Yoga, hoola hooping, down hill skiing, soccer heading, and even one strength training exercise. I am starting to feel a little better as the bronchitis starts to fade away. Almost all of what I did had a component of balance training in it, so it was good. Eventually I will be able to get a pat on the back about my balance from my Wii and it will make my whole day.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Things I learned today

Here are two things I learned about the Wii Fit today:

1. We unlocked "Free Run" and apparently you can start the run, then change the channel and watch TV while you are doing your run!

2. You can do your body test on the Wii Fit Channel without having to insert your disc. Handy for when Mario Kart Wii is almost always in the console and you want to just get your stats.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Wii Fit Board Has New Feet

How cool am I? I am doing yoga. I play soccer. I walk a tight rope. I downhill ski and I ski jump. I do all this on my Wii to relax and maybe even lose weight and get more fit. Tonight I started out with the Wii Fit telling me I had gained a little weight. I am not concerned, because what I did was added the four foot peg extenders to the bottom of the board. They are included in the box and are to be used when you have taller carpet. I tried them and my weight is no much closer to the weight I have on my weight watchers digital scale. So, that should be good from here on out.
Back to the fun I have been having. The game tells me I need to work on my balance. Doing the yoga showed me that it is correct. I love the way it even shows you when you were done how much you were moving during the exercise. It tracks your center of balance COB and shows you where your center was during the exercise. I am definitely weaker on my left side. I have decided to add the yoga to my daily ritual. It is a little spiritual and also good for balance.
I don't feel ready yet to go to strength training because of my lungs, but I have been fiddling with the balance games. That is where the tight rope walk, soccer, and he skiing come from. they are really fun, but I am obviously still in the beginner category. I get hit in the head by shoes and odd items because I can't move out of the way. Well I could, but I can't get my mii to follow me. That takes a little more skill I guess. It is seriously fun to play and learn each game. And in the beginning, almost every game you play you are high score since it is every ones first time trying it.
I can't wait to get rid of this infection so I can get into more of the games and activities. There seems to be no end of them.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Adjusted Stats

We ended up putting the extra feet/risers on the balance board since our floor is carpeted and it is showing more accurate stats now. Here are my new "starting" stats:

BMI: 38.69
Weight: 226.6

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 2: She Fits

BMI: 37.52 (-.16)
Weight: 219.8 (-.9)

According to this I lost almost a pound since yesterday. I did the body test earlier in the day today than I did yesterday. I will try to do it in the mornings from now on for consistency.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Day 1: He Fits

So much food; that is what the holidays are all about right? It starts at Thanksgiving and goes right on into the the New Year. Then, suddenly up comes January 2nd, and we have to swear on our honor that we really, really, really plan to stick to our resolutions this year. That typically means we need to lose weight. This year we decided to try getting a head start on the resolutions and start losing weight now instead of putting it off. One of the biggest problems when it comes to losing weight is procrastination. Has there ever been a diet I have started that didn't begin with, "I am starting my diet right after... (the new year, the week end, the holidays, this buffet is over, I finish up all the chocolate in the pantry from Halloween, I take down the Christmas tree lights ...) So, this year we are going to make REAL change. No procrastinating. And we are totally starting this diet right after we get over this cold thing. =-) OK, but seriously, isn't a health issue a good reason to put off physical activity?
We have heard so much about the Wii Fit that we wanted to give it a try. The Wii itself is so revolutionary that we love playing the games. The wii Sports games are great, and we went ahead and got 4 Wii Remotes so we could invite others over to play. I think I had my first sports injury in the last 25 years when I pulled my shoulder trying to smash an imaginary tennis ball over the net. There is no doubt that the concept has definite potential, and I am glad to give Wii fit a try now to find out if it can improve my health and fitness in any measurable way. Today we started the process, and here are my starting numbers:
weight: 172.8
BMI: 24.74
Wii fit age: 44

I am a little concerned that the weight is more than 5 lbs lower than the WW scale we have. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind seeing lower numbers for my weight, but I prefer to have lost the weight when the number goes down. I guess it has something to do with having a scale on a carpet that causes it to be slightly different. OK. We can deal with that as long as it stays consistent. I'll keep tabs on both scales to see if it is all over the place, or sticks to a certain amount less that my real weight is.
I like that it adjusts your Mii after taking your weight and height by changing its weight height proportions accordingly. It is very cute. We didn't do much more on the exercises today since we seriously are sick. I am getting through bronchitis and just need to start slowly for now.

Day 1: She Fits

BMI: 37.68
Weight: 220.7
Wii Fit Age: 33 (I'm 32 so it's not too far off)

I should note that the Wii Fit balance board weighs us in at about 8 pounds less than our home scale. For now we will stick with these numbers, but we may try putting the foot extensions on the board to see if it measures more accurately (we have a carpeted floor).

Right now I am in the "obese" category (yikes)!

We Wii (Fit)

My husband and I have never been big at exchanging gifts. Lately it has become our tradition to pick out a "treat" that both of us can enjoy. Last year for Christmas, we got the Nintendo Wii (loooooooooooooooove it!). This year we used gift money from my parents to get the Wii Fit. Our Wii Fit arrived and we promptly opened the box and set it up. Everyone in our house is still trying to recover from being sick so we haven't done too much with our new Wii Fit. We did do the body test and explore some of the activities a bit. We both would like to lose some weight and get more fit, although I have a lot more to lose! We plan to use this blog to keep track of our progress and also as sort of an ongoing review of the Wii Fit.